WCB08 Program
May 22th, Thursday
- 13:30-13:50. Introduction: Perpectives of the area.
By Rolf Backofen.
Session: Biological Networks
- 13:50-14:15.
Philippe Veber, Sven Thiele, Martin Gebser, B. Usadel, and T. Schaub. Detecting inconsistencies in large influence networks with Answer Set Programming.
- 14:15-14:40.
Guillermo Rodrigo, Javier Carrera, and Alfonso Jaramillo.
Combinatorial Optimisation to Design Gene Regulatory Networks.
- 14:40-15:05.
Damien Eveillard, Jonathan Fromentin, and Olivier Roux. Investigating Gene Regulatory Networks Qualitative Properties using Constraints Programming.
- 15:05-15:30.
Sylvain Soliman. Finding minimal P/T-invariants as a CSP.
- 15:30-15:55. Coffee Break.
Session: Combinatorial Problems
- 15:55-16:20. Corinna Brinkmann and Alexander Bockmayr. A constraint-based approach to the phase problem in X-ray crystallography.
- 16:20-16:45. Antonio Morgado and Joao Marques-Silva. A Pseudo-Boolean Solution to the Maximum Quartet.
- 16:45-17:10. Ana Graca, Joao Marques-Silva, Ines Lynce, and Arlindo L. Oliveira. Generic ILP vs Specialized 0-1 ILP for Haplotype Inference.
- 17:10-17:35. Luca Di Gaspero and Andrea Roli. Stochastic local search for large-scale instances of the Haplotype Inference Problem by Parsimony.
- 17:35-18:00. Raffaele Cipriano, Alessandro Dal Palu', and Agostino Dovier. A hybrid approach mixing local search and constraint programming applied to the protein structure prediction problem.